2025 KilKare Speedway Track Rules
General Rules
The general rules section applies to each and every racer, mechanic, and/or person entering the pits. Some items obviously do not apply to each class. You can easily determine which classes do not apply to you. You are expected to know the rules. Ignorance will not be tolerated as an excuse.
General Information
Every driver must inspect the racing surface and race track area to learn of any defects, obstructions, or anything which, in the driver’s opinion, is unsafe and shall report that condition in writing to the Director of Competition. Any driver participating in a racing event is considered to have inspected the track and found all conditions to be satisfactory. If not, that driver should not race. The participant further indicates that they are aware that auto racing involves risks and assumes these risks with full awareness and knowledge.
All drivers must obey the commands given on the race receiver, such as the layover flag, black flag, and if told to exit the race track. Watch the flagman also! Failure to do so will result in a black flag for the night. A second offense will result in a 4-race suspension (rainouts do not count). A third offense will result in a 1-full-year calendar suspension. Any driver who is a minor racing in any division/class must have a full containment seat, a HANS head and neck restraint or equivalent, plus all other safety equipment.
- The driver shall be the sole spokesperson for his team/car, owner, and pit crew in any and all matters pertaining to the event. At all events, the driver assumes responsibility for the actions of his pit crew, whether they are in the pits or grandstand area, male or female. Verbal abuse, cursing, or threatening another person will result in the ejection of the violator and possible disqualification of the car associated with the violator. Physical abuse will result in the ejection and probable arrest of the violator. The driver is responsible for any unpaid fines for crew members.
- Any fighting, arguing, instigating, or reckless driving in the pit area may subject the offender to suspension depending upon the seriousness of the incident and the decision of the management. Any continuing problems from the individual may result in permanent suspension. If, for any reason, we have to call 911 because of you, or you will not stop arguing, fighting, or leave the property when told, you will automatically receive a minimum 8-week suspension up to 1 calendar year with a fine to be determined by the officials. The ban includes all the property of KilKare Speedway.
- We demand courteous conduct from all participants at all times. We do not tolerate profanity in front of race fans, officials, or management, profane signs on your car or clothes, or unusual dress. We expect you to look like a professional and act like one. Be clean, uniformed, and look respectable.
- The possession, consumption, or distribution of any alcoholic beverage or controlled substance at any time while in the restricted areas (pit area) is strictly prohibited.
- At any time, the display of any type of weapon or threat of bodily harm will result in a long-term suspension for the individuals involved and could result in the arrest of all parties involved.
- Any person entering a pit area other than their own where a disturbance of any kind occurs will be considered to be at fault and will be disqualified and/or suspended. No standing in front of or beside a pit instigating trouble; this will lead to a suspension and a fine. The fine must be paid before coming back to the track. KilKare Speedway officials shall set the amount of the fine.
- Fighting will not be tolerated anywhere on the grounds or access roads to the speedway, no matter what the provocation. Rough driving, swearing, obscene language, or gestures will not be tolerated and will be regarded as unsportsmanlike conduct subject to disciplinary action. If fighting should occur, both parties and/or crew may be ejected immediately with possible suspension and fines. Fines must be paid before coming back to the track. KilKare Speedway officials shall set the amount of the fines.
- When in the pit area, maintain a constant watch for your own protection. Drivers and/or pit personnel operating race cars in the pit area shall do so safely. The maximum speed limit in the pits is 15 mph.
- Each driver is expected to participate in every event that is possible for him or her to run. When a driver refuses to participate because of his or her disagreement with the length, type, or style of race, he or she is subject to suspension for a period determined by the management. Each driver will participate in his or her respective dash or heat races. If a driver does not compete in his or her dash or heat race, he or she will start at the tail of the feature for that night’s events.
- Any person involved in any form of protest or demonstration against the speedway on or near the speedway property may be permanently barred from future entry at the speedway.
- Unreasonable bashing of the track or officials on social media may result in suspension and/or being barred indefinitely.
- The promoter reserves the right to enforce, update, revise, or cancel any of the rules stated herein (with a minimum 1-week notice) for the betterment of racing.
- All children under 18 years of age must have a parental consent form on file before entering the pit area.
- The track officials or racing director can make a final ruling on race night or give a final ruling up to 4 days later, depending on the severity of the offense.
- Any driver hitting another car under caution during or after a race will be disqualified/black flagged immediately and charged with unsportsmanlike conduct. Unsportsmanlike conduct can carry a minimum of a $100 fine and/or suspension. Any and all fines will be added to the points fund at the end of the racing season. Any interpretation or deviation of these rules is left to the officials. Any decision of and by KilKare Speedway officials is final.
Claim Information and/or Injury Information
When involved in an accident involving an injury to yourself, advise the EMT staff immediately so the necessary reporting will be accomplished. No claims will be considered unless reported prior to leaving the speedway property that day. Contact the EMT and give him or her a full report before you leave the speedway. If physically unable, your crew must be responsible for this report.
- After having filed a claim for benefits, a doctor’s release will be required before being allowed to participate in a racing event.
Prevailing Policy
- Any disagreement over technical questions or operations will be resolved by the racing officials and management. When their decision is rendered, such decision is final and binding.
- The speedway officials and management will establish the length, frequency, and administration of all events and programs, and when their decision is rendered, that decision is final and binding. Exceptions to the rules and specifications may be made on a temporary basis at the discretion of the Director of Competition.
- The officials, management, and scoring/timing/computer will determine all finishing positions, and their decision is final. The breakout rule is as follows: running under your qualifying time by 2/10ths for 2 consecutive laps while leading the feature is a breakout. The fast 4 qualifiers are exempt. If you start at the tail or behind the fast qualifier, you are exempt from the breakout rule.
- Any complaints, disputes, questions, or problems must be directed to the Director of Competition following the event for action.
- It is the duty of all drivers, car owners, and mechanics to bring to the attention of the officials any unsafe equipment, practices, or any rule infraction of any car or driver.
- The dumping of oil, gas, or any other containment onto the ground is prohibited. Anyone caught doing so will be heavily fined.
- Do not leave your discarded tires in the pits, grandstand area, or parking lot. These are to be taken with you, or you will be fined $10.00 for each tire.
- Continuous development in racing may necessitate changes that we cannot anticipate at the time the rules are formulated. Therefore, we may, if necessary, modify, add, or change rules at times with a minimum 1-week notice being given at the track and/or on social media platforms.
- We use the spinner/spinnee rule with a tap-out. However, if we see an incident we feel was intentional, we will make the call, and the intentional party will go to the tail—such as taking the leader out to win the race. So, if you bump him/her to get him/her loose, you better hope he/she saves it. If your division uses the cone rule/choose rule for restarts, as soon as physically possible, you must line up single file on the bottom. When directed to choose, you must choose the line inside or outside. You will only have one (1) chance to do this. Once you choose, you must stay in that lane until the green is thrown again. If you were involved or the reason for the caution and were sent to the tail, you must restart on the tail of the longest line.
- If a driver causes or is involved in three (3) cautions, he/she will be done for the night’s events.
Race Track Operating Procedures for All Divisions
- The only people allowed on the race track and infield are racing officials and race cars. Everyone must stay away unless requested to assist for some special reason. Drivers may seek a place of safety in the infield following disablement. When crashed, stay in your car. Do not get out to examine the damage to your car. Remember this: do not examine your car while the track is under a yellow flag or red flag unless a track official gives you the OK to do so. If this rule is violated, the driver will be disqualified! Pit crews, owners, and personnel related to any car are not allowed on the track following an accident or injury. Any crew member or persons going onto the track in said period without permission will be subject to disciplinary action and/or fined.
- Do not enter the racing surface without express authorization from a track official at the track entrance and a signal for you to proceed.
- Any competing vehicle whose speed has been reduced to a point where it causes a safety problem or endangers the track activity will not be tolerated and will be removed from the racing surface at the opinion of the officials. If a driver causes or is involved in three (3) cautions, he/she will be done for the night’s events. If a driver brings out a caution by stopping on the track and then, when the caution flag comes out, he/she takes off for the pits, that driver will be scored two (2) laps down automatically. When a caution flag is raised, be aware and know the car number in front of you. Race lineups will be posted in the pits on the board. Line up in order! We will not hold up any races just because you do not know your position. If you are not in the proper position when the green flag drops, you will go to the tail and lose your position because that is where you will be scored. We will not wait for you. We will not make extra laps for car positions. Ignorance is no excuse. You came to race, and that is what we expect. When you enter the race track, you are to come to the racing surface race-ready. Respect your fellow racer and follow the rules.
- Our racing program is based on the availability of enough qualified vehicles. If this number is not available, alternate scheduling or programming will be used.
- No driver may get out of his/her car on the track under caution, yellow flag, or red flag unless a track official gives an OK. Do not argue or discuss the race with the starter or official. A driver may not work on his/her car on the track when the red flag is out. If this rule is violated, the driver may be disqualified for the event or suspended or fined according to the decision of the officials.
- Any event is considered complete when half or over half of the scheduled length has been run by the leader and is called due to weather or terminated by the officials for safety reasons.
- No race car is authorized to carry passengers internally or externally.
- If you wreck or break during practice and it causes you to miss qualifying or your dash or heat race, you will start on the tail of the feature. If you did not wreck or break during practice and you still miss qualifying or your dash or heat races, you will still start at the tail of the feature.
- If there is a driver change, the driver will have to notify the pit steward prior to the start of the race. If not notified, the driver and car will be disqualified, and the driver will lose money and points for the night’s event.
- If you return to the pits at any time, you cannot re-enter the track under green flag conditions unless so directed by the ramp flagman when he determines it is safe. If you are allowed to re-enter the track under yellow or red flag conditions, you must start at the rear of the field. If a driver purposely brings out a caution, that driver will be deemed 2 laps down. (Do not stop on the track then take off after the caution comes out.) We have a start box painted on the wall or track. You can start the race between those lines. Once the track lights are off, you must maintain the same speed until you hit the start box—no slowing down and then speeding up, no jackrabbit starts.
- The pole sitter controls the start of the race. The outside pole car needs to be ready at the start box, or he may drop behind. We are not going to restart the race for any driver who thinks they didn’t get a good start—so be ready! No passing on the inside at the start of the race until you reach the start/finish line. If caught doing so, you will be sent to the tail of that race.
- Heat races: If there is only one heat race, there will be a full inversion with the exception of the 2 slowest cars starting at the tail always. If there are 2 heat races, there will be a full inversion for both heats, but the 2nd heat will be a full inversion with the exception of the 2 slowest cars starting at the tail.
Pay-Off Procedures
- All points shall be earned by the starting driver, even if a driver change occurs during a race. Payments will be made to the starting driver.
- Payoff will be made only for the events actually completed. Never will any event be paid when it is not run.
- When a program is shortened by rain or some unforeseeable or fortuitous event yet is “considered” complete after heat races are run and no rain check is issued, payoff will be made for the events completed.
- When the races are over and you have been cleared through tech, you may collect winnings at the payoff building located in the pits next to the track on-ramp. (Tow money in the amount for your class is yours if you broke or for other reasons you could not race but showed up and tried.) Payout may be held up for tire testing or part testing.
- The driver must collect winnings and must show proper ID and Social Security number. All drivers must have a 1099 tax form on file for that racing year to collect winnings.
Team Responsibilities
- If at any time the conduct of any team member or driver is a discredit to the speedway, the racing industry, or to himself/herself, he or she may be removed from all racing activity at the speedway. The driver is responsible for all the people associated with his/her car, including sponsors, crew persons, visitors, etc.
- The general appearance of pit personnel must be neat and clean, or they will not be welcome.
- The same car will not be allowed to compete in two separate divisions. The driver must determine what class he/she will run in when entering the pits.
- The top 3 or up to 5 cars, plus 1 random car picked by tech, are to report to the infield after the feature, plus any other car(s) that the race director chooses. Failure to report to the infield before going to the pits will result in disqualification. Once any part of your car enters the exit ramp, you are disqualified—no backing up.
- All first-time cars and drivers are to be weighed and inspected when arriving at the speedway.
- Any car found illegal after a race inspection will receive last-place points and tow money only for the event at the race track.
- Any driver caught 2 times for intentionally cheating in any class or a combination of classes will be suspended for the remainder of the season or 1 calendar year. KilKare Speedway officials will make the final decision. Drivers, make sure you know what you are driving is legal for KilKare Speedway rules.
- Car owners continually caught cheating up cars will be suspended and/or barred for 1 calendar year.
Additional Notes
If at any time a driver, crew member, mechanic, or person entering the pits has any questions regarding any rule, they must locate the pit steward for clarification of said rule before being able to participate in any event.
If a feature winner is disqualified due to cheating (illegal parts, underweight, etc.), the 2nd-place finisher (if legal) will be declared the winner and receive first-place points and money.
If a feature winner is disqualified for fighting, the second-place finisher will not be declared the winner. The track will keep first-place money and add it to the points fund. Fighting will include any physical altercation between a driver and/or members of his/her pit crew. Pit crews are defined as all persons who have paid admission to the pit side of the track or into the grandstand area. The driver will still be held responsible for their pit crew members’ actions. If a pit crew member is involved in an altercation on the grandstand side, management reserves the right to determine who instigated the altercation. If it is found that an altercation was started by a party not associated with the driver, it will be left to the discretion of the management on whether the driver will be disqualified.
All persons entering the pits must have signed the waiver and must wear the wristband provided for that day’s event at all times. Failure to do so will result in being escorted off the property.